The Renters Reform Bill is a proposed piece of legislation that has been introduced by the Government with the aim to reform the private rented sector (PRS) and level up housing quality and to “bring in a better deal for renters” and marks “the biggest shake-up of the private rented sector in 30 years. Here are the key changes in the Bill
Abolish section 21 evictions and move to a simpler tenancy structure where all assured tenancies are periodic, providing more security for tenants
Rent increases – Landlord will be able to increase rents once a year via a formal ‘Section 13’ notice serving at least two months’ notice
Ensure possession grounds are fair to both parties, giving tenants more security, while ensuring landlords can recover their property when reasonable.
If the Landlords wants to sell or move a relative, they can serve 4 months’ notice after the first12 months
Landlords can serve a Section 8 notice (4 weeks’ notice) if a tenant is at least 3 months’ rent in arrears and gain possession immediately for tenants with Anti-Social behaviour
Introduce a new Private Rented Sector Landlord Ombudsman that will provide quick, fair, impartial, and binding resolution for tenants’ complaints about their landlord.
Create a Private Rented Sector Database to help landlords understand their legal obligations and providing better information to tenants to make informed decisions when entering into a tenancy agreement.
Give tenants’ rights to keep a pet in the property. Landlords will be able to obtain pet insurance to cover any damage to their property
Apply the Decent Homes Standard to the private rented sector to give renters safer, better value homes and remove the blight of poor-quality homes in local communities.
Apply ‘Awaab’s Law’ to the sector, setting clear legal expectations about the timeframes within which landlords must take action to make homes safe where they contain serious hazards.
Make it illegal for landlords and agents to discriminate against prospective tenants in receipt of benefits or with children
End the practice of rental bidding by prohibiting landlords and agents from asking for or accepting offers above the advertised rent.
When is the Renters Reform Bill going to become legislation?
The exact date for the bill becoming law is not confirmed, as it must pass through Parliament and amendments are expected. The government aims to finalize it before December 2024.
The government will implement the changes in two stages, with at least six months’ notice before the first date when new tenancies will become periodic. The second date, for transitioning all existing tenancies, will be at least 12 months later. The final timeline depends on when the bill receives Royal Assent.
At Empire Chase as the best estate agent in Harrow and with a fluent knowledge about the property market in Harrow and surroundings we always stay on top of all legislations educating our clients. Please contact us if you have any questions on info@empirechase.co.uk